Education is a unique investment and accountability is possible only through a well planned mechanism of assessment with reference to its objectives. Examination in its traditional sense has failed to achieve the objectives of education. Introduction of the Scheme of Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation is, therefore, the only alternative to de-emphasis the system of external examinations. The Scheme has been introduced effectively in EMRS, Nichar since 2006-07 with the following objectives:


  • To make evaluation an integral part of teaching learning process.
  • To use evaluation for improvement of students achievement and teaching learning strategies on the basis of regular diagnosis followed by  remedial instructions.
  • To make a sound judgment and to plan timely strategies on the basis of regular diagnosis followed by the remedial instructions.
  • To facilitate sound judgment and to take timely decisions about the learner, learning process and the learning environment.
  • To maintain desired standard for performance using evaluation as a quality control device.
  • To provide scope for self-evaluation by teachers and students, special training has been provided to the Principal and teachers to ensure maintenance of CCE records in proper order.
  • To evaluate the scholastic and co-scholastic excellency after imparting the subject content and moral education to the students, evaluation plan is prepared under the following heads of “Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation” system initiated by CBSE:


  • Formative Assessment-1
  • Formative Assessment-2
  • Summative Assessment-1
  • Formative Assessment-3
  • Formative Assessment-4
  • Summative Assessment-2


The Formative Assessment of the students is made daily by the subject teachers through different evaluation tools in the classroom and is brought on records, so that it could be conveyed to the students and parents as well. After completion of the 50% syllabus as per CBSE guidelines and the annual teaching plan of the school, the Summative Assessment-1 is conducted in the middle of the academic session.


This Summative Assessment is a mirror of board examination pattern. This Assessment is conducted according to canon, which is used for board exam at later stage.


After the completion of F1, F2 and S1, the very next day the result or grade obtained by the students, is declared in the morning assembly by the Principal, because the students are so eager and enthusiastic to know their grades. Moreover, they get inspiration and work harder to improve them. The Formative and Summative analysis of the scholars is done by the school and according to analysis; the steps are taken by the school authority to get better educational standard of the students.


During last month of the academic session, when the syllabus is complete, as per annual calendar, Summative Assessment – 2, is conducted by the school. After evaluation of the SA2, overall compilation (F1+F2+S1+F3+F4+S2) is done and students are put up in different grades attained by them. On the basis of grades, they are promoted to the next higher class/ standard and the same is congratulated and conveyed to parents and students as well.


Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation forms an integral part of our Academic Excellence.  Coverage of syllabus, revision, its evaluation through unit test, class test, and teacher observation is rigorously followed.  The class teacher, subject teacher, House master & Principal also evaluates the non-scholastic traits of the students i.e. hostel behaviour, discipline, walk-talk, turn out, cleanliness and all other routine activities, students remain indulged in round the clock and is brought quarterly on records, so that it could be conveyed to the students and parents as well.  The students are counseled regularly keeping in view their performance.