Included in the regular curriculum of the school is an hour of compulsory games every day. This includes volleyball, badminton, kabbadi, kho- kho, table-tennis, cricket, judo, karate and many indoor games. Additional facilities are also available on weekends.
Yoga and morning PT is regular affair of the EMRS. All the students and as far as possible the staff members too are present in the morning PT without fail. The timing of each exercise has been defined like yoga, jogging, PT drill, running etc. No students except sick children are spared from this exercise of morning PT. The PT dress is already provided to the students and they are expected to be in the same house wise colours in the morning PT.
Aims and Objective:
- To develop the Sportsman Spirit among the students.
- To develop the healthy spirit of competition among the students.
- To enable the students to appreciate and enjoy the Games and Sports.
- To develop the Good Physique and health of the students.
- All round development of the personality of the students.
- To make the suitable arrangements for Annual Games and Sports.
- Selection to teams for School/ Regional Level Sports Meet.
- To develop the spirit of belongingness and sportsmanship.
- To develop & maintain play fields.
- To arrange the activities for the students in Morning PT or evening games.
- To inculcate the meditative values amongst the students.
- To motivate the students for the yoga practices like Pranayama etc.
- To promote volunteer development.
- Widen access and reduce inequalities in games and sports.
- To explore the hidden talent of the students.
- To promote an integrated personality/values.
- Incharge is fully responsible for the implementation of the activity / programme in the befitting manner. Record is maintained by the Incharge.
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