It is well known that
“Good Beginnings always have good endings.” and

“A burning desire and a solid strategy are the prerequisites of success. Nothing significant has ever happened without solid strategies.”

So keeping in view the same, Institutions always plan their strategies and pedagogies to make them a role model for all. Because Management is the base of any institution, so all the best efforts, at hand, have been made to manage and plan the strategies to have the best possible results regarding the smooth functioning of our institution.
During the planning of this vital document, all the instructions received from the School Management and the CBSE New Delhi have been kept in mind to achieve the Pre–Determined aims and objectives, utilizing all the resources at hand.

Aims and objectives:

  1. To fulfill the aims and objectives of Eklavya Model Residential School.
  2. Smooth and Effective functioning of school.
  3. Qualitative and Quantitative Improvement in the Academic result.
  4. Inculcation of the competitive spirit amongst the students.
  5. Harmonious development of the personality of the students.
  6. Inculcation of the values like cultural, moral, academic, spiritual etc.
  7. Developing the sense of self discipline amongst the students.
  8. Developing the school as pace setting institute.
  9. To develop Inter-personal relationships amongst the staff members also.
  10. Enhancing the spirit of true sportsmanship.
  11. Furnishing the beauty of the campus by optimum utilization of the existing   resources.
  12. Furnishing the Teaching–Learning pedagogy by innovative ideas.
  13. To develop the sense of the cordial relationships.
  14. To integrate creativity of the students with their Academic caliber, innovations   and zest    to do something new.