Library is an essential part of any institution in particular to one imparting education. In modern times the new concepts in every field are emerging at a rapid pace and to remain updated with the latest developments, utility of a good modern well equipped library is in focus to provide books on various subjects to gain the required in depth knowledge which in turn act as proper tool in learning-teaching process.
Books are best friend for any one especially to the growing children who have an unceasing lust for knowledge in all areas to quench their anxiety related to various subjects and on most of such subjects they are enough to raise direct questions but library is the only place where they find necessary access related to their requirement added to this is that they can seek the required guidance whenever needed.
Hence, a well furnished library equipped with more than 2000 books is the charm of the institution.
Aims & Objective:
- To plan the requisite educational material for the library.
- To inculcate the educational values amongst the students.
- To arrange the competitive material for the students.
- Any Technical material like CDs, E-content etc. to be planned for helping the students in their education.
- Library based activities to be conducted to develop the reading values amongst the students.
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