Each parent of a child enrolled at the school is a member of the Parent Teacher Council (PTC), and we invite their full participation. School is an epitome of society and the very object of entire education is to realize the goals being set by the society. Hence no educational organization, particularly the campus school, can keep themselves isolated from the society. In EMRS children from denied areas are joining us for the first time and on number of issues they feel shy to express and expose themselves and in most of the cases the staff is ignorant about their problem. Here we need Parent Teachers coordination and it is for this purpose that idea of formation of Parent Teacher Council existed.
Another important reason for acknowledging and encouraging PTC is to take advantage of the resources being possessed by them. Thus sharing of ideas with the parents from time to time to provide effective support to the children and to give a smooth glide to the school management we need to form PTC for which very strict guidelines have been issued by the management. These are as follows:
Composition of Parent Teacher Council –
- Principal of EMRS – Chairman.
- 05 Representatives are nominated by Management in proportion to the selection in EMRS with a female male ratio of proportionate strength of boys and girls.
- 04 teachers representatives [minimum of two female staff to be nominated]
- One senior teacher of the EMRS acts as Member Secretary.
Every Second Saturday of the month is the day of visit of parents and conduct of PTC meeting.
The routine activities are replaced with following activities on that day:
- Parents Meet children from 10.00 a.m. onwards.
- Class teachers of the respective classes are available in the classroom alongwith profile registers of the students and explain the parent along with child, various observations on the performances of the child and areas of improvement from 10 am to 12 noon.
- Parents Meet the Principal along with teachers and discuss various problems of children from 12 noon to 1 pm.
- PTC meeting is conducted at 2.30 pm and the minutes are recorded.
Now it is anticipated that with all honest intention the EMRS forms PTC as per the guidelines. The purpose of formation and functions of PTC should not be misread by any parents as any extra powerful body to govern the school affairs nor is it for any political reasons. It is just to be a helping hand in school management. This requires transparency and fair approval on the part of the Principal and without any hesitation the Principal have the courage to express/put the problems of the school before such body and get them involved in solving them.
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